Sunday 16 June 2024
Bahrain International Air Show

Bahrain air show draws record crowd

More than 20,000 people, including families with children, flocked to Bahrain International Air Show (BIAS) in the last two days to watch the daredevil acts of the fighter jets, stunt pilots and parachute display teams. The public


Alba to back Bahrain International Air Show

Aluminium Bahrain (Alba), a leading aluminium smelter in the world, announced that it has been named the gold sponsor of the Bahrain International Air Show (BIAS) 2016, to be held in the kingdom in January. The event will take pla


Bahrain Air to take part in air show

Bahrain Air, the kingdom’s second national carrier, will participate at the 2012 Bahrain International Air Show 2012, set to be held from January 19 to 21 at the Sakhir Air Base in Manama. Captain Ibrahim Al Hamer, managing director, said


Saudi Al Waalan set for Bahrain airshow

The Saudi Al Waalan Company, a leading player in the aviation sector, said it will take part in the second Bahrain International Air Show (BIAS) to be held from January 19 to 21 at Sakhir Airbase. Al Wallan Aviation is the s


Mena Aerospace signs up for Bahrain Airshow

Bahrain-based Mena Aerospace Enterprises, a key player in the installation, maintenance and repair of avionic and electronic systems on board aircraft, has signed up for the Bahrain International Air Show 2012. Mena Aerospace signed an agr


$1bn deals at Bahrain air show

Sales agreements worth more than $1 billion (BD378 million) were signed during the first Bahrain International Air Show (BIAS), officials have announced. Around 30,000 visitors attended the spectacular three-day show at the Sakhir Airbase,


Bahrain airshow is a sell-out

Demand for space at Bahrain's first international air show has been so overwhelming that organisers had to reject approaches from additional companies hoping to take part, it has emerged. A total of 40 organisations working in business


Bahrain air base infrastructure work on track

All infrastructure and road works at Bahrain’s Sakhir Air Base, including asphalting, implementation of rainwater network, the construction of runways, in addition to other construction works, are on track, said a top government official.


Bahrain to host international air show

Bahrain has signed an agreement to host a major international air with British Farnborough Company, a specialist in delivering innovative air shows, on the sidelines of Paris Air Show. The first Bahrain International Air Show will be held


Gulf Air to sponsor major air show

Gulf Air, Bahrain’s national carrier, has announced its sponsorship to a major air show set to be hosted in Bahrain early 2010. The Bahrain International Air Show (BIAS) 2010 will be held from January 21 to 23 at the Sakhir airfield, adjac

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