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Dubai Culture and Arts Authority backs DIFF

Dubai, December 5, 2009

The Dubai Culture & Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) is supporting the Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF) 2009 as part of its mandate to drive and support all cultural events in the city and nurture Emirati talent.

DIFF chairman Abdulhamid Juma said that the support of Dubai Culture is vital in promoting DIFF at the grass roots level and fostering the wider growth and development of the city’s burgeoning arts scene.

“Films, today, play a crucial role in defining culture. With over 200 nationalities, Dubai’s cinema sensibilities are truly cosmopolitan, and through Dubai Culture’s support to DIFF, we are further promoting intercultural dialogue,” he said.

Saeed Al Nabouda, chief projects officer at the Dubai Culture & Arts Authority said the synergies between DIFF and Dubai Culture are strong and mutually beneficial.

“Both organisations share the same vision and goals, and are committed to growing the region’s film industry. We are proud to be supporting DIFF and committed to encouraging home-grown initiatives and nurturing Emirati talent.”

Dubai Culture recognises that a healthy film industry is necessary to convey the stories and messages about Dubai’s culture, traditions, history and contemporary lifestyle to the world.

The Authority has achieved great success in fostering the growth of a dynamic local film industry through their support towards film events, such as the Gulf Film Festival.

The organisation aims to strengthen the city’s cultural heritage while encouraging dialogue and creativity among its 200-strong cultures by hosting events that appeal to the connoisseurs of films, arts and literature. Recently, it hosted Documentary Voices: Social Awareness 2009, the first-ever documentary festival of its kind focused on social concerns.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: DIFF | Dubai Culture and Arts Authority |

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