Sunday 2 June 2024
Dubai forum

Dubai forum to discuss future needs of nation, cities

Leading global experts in the field of sustainable project management will discuss the future needs of the nation and cities including the education, health, transport infrastructure and water resources at an upcoming summit in Dubai, UAE.


70 HR experts meet at Dubai petchem forum

More than 70 leaders in human resources (HR) are meeting to discuss strategies for challenges in the oil, gas and petrochemical HR sector at a major annual HR summit that opened in Dubai today (May 13). The ninth edition of the HR


70 HR experts meet at Dubai petchem forum

More than 70 leaders in human resources (HR) are meeting to discuss strategies for challenges in the oil, gas and petrochemical HR sector at a major annual HR summit that opened in Dubai today (May 13). The ninth edition of the HR


Dubai forum to discuss key energy issues

Energy leaders and professionals will discuss energy development and sustainable future a a major forum in Dubai next month. Intensive preparations are underway to ensure the success of the first Dubai Global Energy Forum, held under the p


90-member US team joins Dubai forum

A group of 90 leaders from the business, government, education and civic sectors of the US are taking part in the three-day Dubai Policy Watch forum, which began today. Mohammad Bin Rashid Centre for Leadership Development (MBRCLD) is host


Dubai forum to get taste of Indian tea

India will share the spotlight at the upcoming second Global Dubai Tea Forum, organised by Dubai Tea Trading Centre (DTTC), from February 19-20, 2008. DTTC announced that two unique events are being organised during the forum to familiari


Forbes to provide insight into Chinese market

Leaders in Dubai Business Forum 2007 will focus on the exploding Chinese market and how to successfully tap into it. President, CEO and editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine, one of the world's leading business magazines, Steve Forbes will be

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