Sunday 16 June 2024

Opening hours of Dubai Frame extended

Dubai Municipality has announced that the opening hours of Dubai Frame have been extended by three hours. The emirate’s newest attraction, located in Zabeel Park, will now welcome visitors from 9am to 9pm, effective February


Alba achieves new training milestone

Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) has achieved above the industry benchmark of five per cent training hours of the total man hours in 2015.   The company achieved this figure successfully for three years in a row, thus re


Omani power firm achieves 5m safe man hours

Al Ghubra Power and Desalination Company (GPDCO), a part of Nama Group, has achieved a record of five million safe man hours during 1,884 working days, which will be added to the company’s health, safety and environment (HSE) records.


New Bahraini health centre rule to prevent waiting

New regulations have been imposed to prevent people from waiting in line for hours at health centres in Bahrain just to skip work. Patients will only be able to enter public medical facilities if they have booked appointments in a


Siemens H-class gas turbine attains new milestone

The fleet of Siemens H-class world-record gas turbines achieved a cumulative 100,000 equivalent operating hours at the end of September. Forty of the H- class gas turbines have been sold worldwide to date, eleven of which are curr


Bapco achieves new safety milestone

Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) and contractor employees achieved a new record in safety by completing one million-hours without a lost time injury (LTI) on July 8.   Bapco's deputy chief executive for refi


School days ‘longer’ in Bahrain

The extended school day will officially take effect today (February 12) in Bahrain. More than 30,000 students will go back to their secondary schools to have a first taste of the new scheme. Under the new-look format, the normal day in sec

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