Thursday 27 March 2025

UrbaCon celebrates injury-free track record

UrbaCon Trading & Contracting, a Qatar-based company involved in several huge projects in the region, has been maintaining its injury-free track record because of the excellent safety standards and effective project management skills, said i


Bapco achieves key safety milestone

Bahrain Petroleum (Bapco) has achieved 12 million hours without a single lost time injury. The company said this was the second time it had reached the safety milestone in its history, according to a report in the Gulf Daily News (GDN),


Bapco achieves key safety milestone

Bahrain Petroleum (Bapco) has achieved 12 million hours without a single lost time injury. The company said this was the second time it had reached the safety milestone in its history, according to a report in the Gulf Daily News (GDN),


DuPont showcases burn injury evaluation device in Kuwait

DuPont, a leading chemical company, demonstrated its Thermo-Man life-sized instrumented mannequin system, an advanced thermal burn injury evaluation device, at the Kuwait Fire Services Directorate Complex. The demonstration was ai


Bapco achieves new safety milestone

Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) and contractor employees achieved a new record in safety by completing one million-hours without a lost time injury (LTI) on July 8.   Bapco's deputy chief executive for refi


Alba achieves new safety milestone

Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) said it has achieved 2,000,000 work hours without Loss Time Injury (LTI), thus demonstrating the company’s progress in achieving a zero accident work environment for employees across the plant. Alba&


Full wages for injured workers

Employers will be obliged to pay full wages for six months to any employee injured at work, under the new Private Sector Labour Law proposed to be intorduced in Bahrain. This would be reduced to half-pay after six months, until the injure


Antidepressant aids recovery from spine injury

A common antidepressant combined with an intensive treadmill training program helped people with partial spinal cord injuries walk better and faster, US researchers said. They said Forest Laboratories' antidepressant Lexapro or escital


68pc suffer from RSI says study

The number of office staff who suffer from Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) has reached alarming levels, according to a research. The study said about 68 per cent of staff experience RSI problems. The study of more than 1,000 office-

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