Etihad plans to cancel Boeing 777X orders
ABU DHABI, June 14, 2018
Etihad Airways may be on the brink of cancelling or deferring orders for Boeing's 777X jets, estimated to be worth billions of dollars, a report said.
The order is for 25 777X jets, the largest and most efficient twin-engine carrier, said a report in bizjournals.
The Abu Dhabi-based airline is reviewing its fleet plan and may be willing to incur penalties for cancellations rather than take all 25 jets, the report added.
Etihad is a launch customer of the 777X: an upgrade to Boeing’s successful mini-jumbo series that includes plans for the world’s largest twin-engined jetliner - the 406-seat 777-9 - which is due to enter service in 2020.