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Smart whiteboards get touch recognition

Dubai , February 24, 2009

Smart Technologies has announced the addition of touch recognition to Smart Board 600 series interactive whiteboards.

The feature is the first to automatically detect the difference between a pen, finger and palm of the hand. Users can now, for example, use a pen to write or draw on the interactive whiteboard, a finger to manipulate words or pictures and a palm to erase work. Previously, users had to return the pen to the Smart pen tray in order to switch modes.

“Smart board interactive whiteboards have always been the most widely installed interactive whiteboards in the world, largely because they are the easiest to use,” said Nancy Knowlton, CEO, Smart. “Touch Recognition builds on that legacy and makes the SMART Board interactive whiteboard even better.”

Touch recognition advances usability because interaction with the interactive whiteboard more closely resembles the way people use traditional whiteboards and chalkboards in classrooms or meeting rooms. When a pen is touched to the board, ink appears. When touched with a finger, the board automatically switches to touch mode and the finger acts like a mouse.

When the eraser or a palm is used on the board, ink can be erased. With its pen tray interface and Smart notebook software, the Smart board interactive whiteboard has long been considered one of the most user-friendly interactive whiteboards available.

Smart has taken ease-of-use a step further with the addition of touch recognition. For users new to the Smart board interactive whiteboard, touch recognition will help them produce presentations, brainstorming and collaboration results faster because the feature reduces time spent learning the technology.

Users who already use Smart board interactive whiteboards proficiently will find the new feature saves time and makes presentation and lesson delivery more efficient. Touch recognition is available for current users of Smart board 600 series interactive whiteboards as a hardware upgrade from Smart resellers.

Jeevan Bhingarkar, director, iMark Distribution, Smart’s authorised Middle East distributor, said: “The Smart board interactive whiteboard has already been witnessing major demand in the Middle East markets mainly because of its user-friendliness and interactive features that have transformed the classroom learning environment. Now with the incorporation of touch recognition, we are certain to see the demand for these whiteboards increasing.” – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Dubai | SMART Technologies | Touch Recognition | Interactive whiteboards |

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