Monday 17 June 2024

Archie Berens

Bell Pottinger Middle East plans to become independent

DUBAI, September 10, 2017

The directors of Bell Pottinger Middle East (BPME) based in Abu Dhabi and Dubai have announced that the unit is in discussions to formalise a separation from its current owner Bell Pottinger Private Limited.  

This follows the news that Bell Pottinger Private Limited in the UK is to be put into administration.  As a separate legal entity, BPME is not part of these proceedings and is therefore in a position to determine its own destiny, said a statement.
"In addition, BPME has been at pains to point out that at no point were its UAE directors ever involved in the winning or servicing of the Oakbay account in South Africa which has led to the sad demise of the UK business. Indeed, BPME’s UAE directors actually rejected the opportunity to work on the account. This reinforces BPME’s ability and intention to continue to trade under its own banner as a separate entity," it said.
The directors of BPME are currently working on a proposal with the administrators of Bell Pottinger Private Limited in the UK, which would see the separation of BPME formalised and the ownership of the business transferred to its management, it said.
As part of its future plans, BPME also announced that Amy Piek has been promoted to director with immediate effect. Piek has worked in the Middle East for more than three years and is a supremely talented and experienced operator. She has played an instrumental role in building the firm’s financial communications and investor relations practice, the statment added.
Archie Berens, managing director of BPME, Middle East, commented: “This is an extremely exciting opportunity for us.  As an independent and financially secure business with a strong and experienced team in charge of its own destiny, it will now be open to us to consider a whole range of options.  Our company has a long and proud tradition of working in the Middle East and it is now up to us to continue to build on that.  With my fellow directors Tim Falconer and Amy Piek, I cannot wait to get started on the next stage of the journey.  We are especially pleased to have been able to promote Amy, who has thoroughly deserved this and has a key role to play in our future.”
Falconer, managing director BPME, Dubai, added: “The scale of the opportunity ahead of us is significant, and we are also receiving enquiries from a wide range of potential investors, which we will consider on their merits. The injection of fresh capital would enable us to make our business even stronger, through the acquisition of fresh talent and the addition of more services, especially in the digital arena. Between all three directors of BPME we have over 15 years’ experience in the Middle East, proof of our belief in and commitment to the region. Our business in the region remains strong and we are focused on continuing to deliver exceptional work on behalf of our clients.” -TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Middle East | Bell Pottinger | administration |

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