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Sky News Arabia to host panel discussion on climate change

ABU DHABI, November 26, 2015

Sky News Arabia is set to host a televised panel discussion in association with Masdar and the Zayed Future Energy Prize on November 27, as part of its sustained focus on climate issues and the impact of climate change on nations and societies.
Hosted at Masdar City, an urban development that seeks to be one of the most sustainable cities in the world, the session will examine solutions to combat this critical global challenge, said a statement.
The event has been timed to coincide with the start of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, where countries will come together to debate a binding agreement to limit carbon emissions. 
Experts and specialists in climate change and sustainable development will make up the panel, and the audience will be comprised of students from Masdar Institute and a number of other universities from across Abu Dhabi.
Rita Maalouf, prominent journalist from Sky News Arabia, will moderate the discussion that will draw the participation of panelists Dr Thani Ahmad Al Zeyoudi, UAE permanent representative to the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena) and director of Energy and Climate Change at the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Pierre Khouri, general director, Lebanese Center of Energy Conservation (LCEC); and Dr Mamdouh Salameh, an international oil economist, and a consultant for the World Bank on oil and energy.
Alongside the speakers, the panel will also feature recorded speeches to enrich the dialogue, including an address by Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and a supporter of the Zayed Future Energy Prize, as well as Sir Richard Branson, the renowned British businessman who is involved in a number of initiatives to combat climate change, including serving as a jury member for the Zayed Future Energy Prize. 
The viewers interested in climate issues can participate through social media using the session’s hashtag, with written or video comments, some of which will be telecast during the session.
Speaking ahead of the event, Dr Ahmad Belhoul, chief executive officer of Masdar, said: "The UAE has always been an active participant in all efforts dedicated to mitigate the impact of climate change, and has been one of the pioneer nations in the region in this field. 
"The country has launched a raft of initiatives, represented by its local and international investments in renewable energy and clean technology projects."
"Masdar City is the perfect place to host a session focused on discussing the impact of climate change in collaboration with Sky News Arabia, since today the city is considered a regional hub for innovation and sustainability,” Dr Belhoul added.
Nart Bouran, head of Sky News Arabia, indicated that this partnership with Masdar is “part of the corporate social responsibility efforts of Sky News Arabia as a global media organization that aim to raise awareness about climate change and introduce concepts such as sustainable development and environment preservation."
"This partnership with Masdar City is particularly significant as Masdar is the UAE’s unique initiative for the development of projects in the field of renewable and clean technology energy. We hope through this panel discussion and similar efforts to stimulate innovation and investment in this very important sector.
“Through convening experts and specialists in climate change and sustainable development the session aims to generate viable outcomes with innovative ideas from participating students who represent the future and are most likely to experience the impact of climate change."
Dr Nawal Al-Hosany, director of Sustainability at Masdar and director of the Zayed Future Energy Prize, said: "These panel discussions play a critical role in raising awareness about climate change challenges and how best to address them. Through its winners, the Zayed Future Energy Prize actively contributes to positively transforming people’s lives in societies across the world. 
"It also increases awareness of the concept of sustainability by recognising pioneers of renewable energy and sustainable development for their inspiring and innovative achievements that help enhance the adoption of clean technology and renewable energy projects." - TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Masdar | Arabia | Sky News |

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