Sunday 2 June 2024

UAE launches Child Protection Award for films

Abu Dhabi, October 2, 2013

UAE’s Ministry of Interior has created a Child Protection Award as part of the Abu Dhabi Film Festival (ADFF) awards categories, aiming to create a vibrant film culture on child protection issues locally and internationally.

Best Film and Best Screenplay awards will be presented to films that raise awareness of child protection and safety.

“The Child Protection Award has been introduced as part of this year’s ADFF awards,” said Major General Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, secretary general of the Office of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, and chairman of the Higher Committee for Child Protection at an event held to mark the upcoming launch of the seventh ADFF.

“It will recognize the best film and the best script that deal with the subject of child protection and safety, with the aim of calling attention to the situation of abused or neglected children and covers the 14 dimensions of child protection.

“The award serves as recognition to filmmakers’ contribution, and reflects the valuable role played by the film industry and filmmakers, who can efficiently communicate with different society segments. The film industry has definitely left its mark in the efforts geared towards enhancing social awareness and delivering awareness messages to all community members,” he added.

Ali Al Jabri, ADFF director, said: “The festival includes a panorama of incisive cutting edge films that raise awareness of environmental and/or social related issues through the ‘Our World’ competition, sponsored by Masdar. It also sheds light on all events taking place in the Arab World.”

Al Jabri indicated that a wide selection of films that raise awareness of these issues will take part in this year’s edition of ADFF. “Several ideas to develop and promote the award in the coming years are being discussed,” he added.

Al Jabri extended his thanks to Noura Al Kaabi, chief executive officer of the Media Zone Authority-Abu Dhabi (twofour54), who offered to adopt and support the idea.

The Abu Dhabi Film Festival will be held from October 24 to November 2. – TradeArabia News Service

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