Sunday 16 June 2024

Kenexa launches social recuiting tools

Dubai, July 23, 2011

Kenexa, a global provider of business solutions for human resources, unveiled details of its newest suite of social solutions offerings.

Kenexa Social Solutions is the industry’s first multi-faceted set of social recruiting tools paired with attraction strategies and consulting to help HR professionals and recruiters fully leverage all the benefits of the social world through one vendor, a statement said.

Kenexa Social Solutions draws on Kenexa’s deep industry expertise in sourcing, recruiting, employment branding and social media to deliver positive outcomes for hiring employers as well as job candidates.

“Many companies want to harness the tangible benefits of social recruiting but – whether due to resources, time and other commitments - cannot readily tap into its full range of possibilities,” Eric Lochner, president of Global Talent Management at Kenexa, said.

“As an industry leader, it was a natural progression that Kenexa take the initiative to develop the industry’s first truly integrated comprehensive offering that brings together the power of the applicant tracking system with the power of social networks.”

Kenexa has a long-standing position as one of the talent acquisition and talent management industry’s innovators. Kenexa Social Solutions goes past just addressing social media and into creating multi-dimensional attraction strategies and connection tools to address end-to-end recruitment.

Beyond the obvious such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, Kenexa offers sourcing strategies, candidate relationship management and consulting services that help attract, connect and recruit with talent like never before.

Included in Kenexa Social Solutions is a candidate relationship management tool that focuses on social recruiting and building passive candidate relationships. Using its robust API, Kenexa offers social career centers to empower candidates to interact with their social networks as they apply for jobs.

Social consulting and management is included to provide the clients baseline for true social strategies and candidate attraction.

Kenexa will continue to deliver on the promise of a social candidate and recruiter experience through its broad set and ever-expanding list of social features within its award-winning global talent acquisition solution, Kenexa 2x BrassRing, including posting and sharing jobs across the most prominent social networks. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Dubai | Kenexa | Social solutions | Recruiting |

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