Monday 17 June 2024

AlSafi Danone renews 35-year contract with Tetra Pak

Saudi Arabian dairy company Al Safi Danone has strengthened its relationship with Tetra Pak by renewing its already existing 35 years of partnership contract.   The latest collaboration between the two companies


Tetra Pak showcases food packaging solutions

Tetra Pak, a leader in food processing and packaging solutions, showcased its convenient food packaging solutions at Gulfood Manufacturing 2015 with a series of live cooking demonstrations by British celebrity chef Andy Campbell.


Tetra Pak showcases food packaging solutions

Tetra Pak, a leader in food processing and packaging solutions, showcased its convenient food packaging solutions at Gulfood Manufacturing 2015 with a series of live cooking demonstrations by British celebrity chef Andy Campbell.


Tetra Pak highlights healthy eating solutions

Tetra Pak, a leading food processing and packaging solutions company, highlighted solutions for healthy eating and obesity, with a presentation at the Next Generation Manufacturing Conference, held alongside Gulfood Manufacturing 2015.

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