Monday 17 June 2024
terror attacks

Terror attacks feared at Euro 2016 matches

The head of the European Union police agency voiced concern about the possibility of a militant attack on the European soccer championship scheduled in Paris in June, calling the event "an attractive target for terrorists".


IS hints at attacks in London, Berlin and Rome

The Islamic State militant group released a video on Tuesday suggesting it may carry out further attacks in the West, naming London, Berlin and Rome as possible targets. "If it was Paris yesterday, and today Brussels, Allah k


Bahrain travellers ‘defy attack fears’

Deadly terror bombings and threats of “imminent attacks” in European cities have not deterred travellers from Bahrain, a report said. Travel agents in the country said they have not received any requests for cancellati


Terror attacks, deaths up sharply in 2014

Terrorist attacks worldwide surged by more than a third and fatalities soared by 81 per cent in 2014, a year that also saw Islamic State eclipse al Qaeda as the leading jihadist militant group, the US State Department said on Friday.


Terror attacks, deaths up sharply in 2014

Terrorist attacks worldwide surged by more than a third and fatalities soared by 81 per cent in 2014, a year that also saw Islamic State eclipse al Qaeda as the leading jihadist militant group, the US State Department said on Friday.

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