Sunday 2 June 2024
Tony Buzan

Record entries for world memory contest

Bahrain’s Festival of the Mind has attracted a record number of entries for the World Memory Championship, which will be held as part of the festival.  More than 50 competitors have registered, making it the largest number ever to en


Mind-mapping guru to visit Bahrain soon

Mind-mapping guru Tony Buzan will address a one-day seminar in Bahrain next month. Gulf Training Solutions (GTS) and the Bahrain Society for Training and Development (BSTD) have teamed up to promote the programme. The seminar will be held


Buzan to talk on mind skills

Ithmaar Bank is hosting a luncheon and presentation by Tony Buzan titled “Metapositive Thinking – Applications in Nation Building and Institutional Performance.” The presentation - organised in co-operation with the Bankers’ Society of Ba

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