Tuesday 18 June 2024

Carat Mena appoints Gulf Marcom as partner in Bahrain

Carat Mena, a part of Dentsu Aegis Media, has appointed Gulf Marcom Group as its partner in Bahrain to support its clients with interests in the kingdom. Carat is a global media planning and buying specialist and a market leader i


Gulf Marcom to take part in key advertising event

Bahrain-based Gulf Marcom will represent the kingdom at a key regional meeting of advertising and marketing communication agencies that starts today (October 9). The company's chairman Khamis Al Muqla is attending the three-da


Bahrain medical documentary awarded

A film promoting a Bahrain medical centre put together by the bCentral agency on behalf of the German Orthopaedic Hospital, has scooped two international awards. The film which documents one patient's treatment, from his arrival to di


Bahrain medical documentary awarded

A film promoting a Bahrain medical centre put together by the bCentral agency on behalf of the German Orthopaedic Hospital, has scooped two international awards. The film which documents one patient's treatment, from his arrival to di

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