Friday 14 March 2025

Hottest September in Bahrain since 1902

The month of September goes on record as the hottest September ever experienced in Bahrain since 1902, said a report. The mean temperature of the month was 34.6°C which is 2.2°C above the long-term normal and goes on recor


2015 to be hottest on record, 2016 could be hotter

This year will be the hottest on record and 2016 could be hotter due to the El Niño weather pattern, the World Meteorological Organization said on Wednesday, warning inaction on climate change could see temperatures rise by 6 degrees Cels


September ‘hottest on record’ in Bahrain

Last month was the hottest September in Bahrain since 1902. The mean temperature for the month was 34.5C. This is 2.1C above the long-term normal. It goes on record as the highest mean monthly temperature for September, which is the same as Se


August hottest and sunniest on record in Bahrain

Last month was the hottest and sunniest August in Bahrain since records began. The maximum temperature in the country exceeded 40C on no less than 23 days last month, according to figures released by the Transportation and Telecommunication Mi


July was second hottest on record in Bahrain

Last month was the second hottest July ever experienced in Bahrain since records began in 1902. The average temperature for the month was 35.8C – 1.9 degrees above the long-term average and the same average Bahrain experienced in July 20


Last month was sixth hottest April since 1902

Last month was one of the top 10 hottest Aprils on record for Bahrain and the second driest. The temperature was 1.8 degrees Celsius above the long-term average for April of 26.8C, according to the Transportation and Telecommunica


February record as third hottest in Bahrain

Last month has gone on record as the third hottest February in Bahrain since 1902. The average temperature of the month was 19.8C, which is 1.9C above the long-term normal for February, said the Meteorological Directorate at the T


September sunniest since 1968 in Bahrain

Last month was the sunniest and third hottest September Bahrain has experienced since records began. The average temperature for the month was 33.9C, which is 1.5C higher than usual for this time of year, said a report in the


Third hottest July recorded this year

Last month was Bahrain’s third hottest July since records began, with an average temperature of 35.7C. Only 2012 and 2010 had hotter Julys, with an average temperature of 36C and 35.8C respectively, said a report in the Gulf


May 2nd hottest since records began in Bahrain

Last month was Bahrain's second hottest May since records began in 1902.   The highest temperature recorded last month was 45.1C on May 28, the Transportation Ministry's Meteorological Directorate said in

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