Tuesday 18 June 2024
Innovation awards

Dewa wins eight global innovation awards

The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) has been recognised as a global leader in innovation and creativity after winning eight international awards and honourable mentions in nine categories, at the awards ceremony in Arizona USA, at t


Red Hat opens nominations for innovation awards

Red Hat, the world's leading provider of open source solutions, has announced that it is accepting nominations for the 2017 Red Hat Innovation Awards. Since 2007, the Red Hat Innovation Awards have recognized Red Hat's glo


ictQatar names innovation contest winners

The Supreme Council of Information Technology (ictQatar) presented the six winners of its “Innovation Theatre” contest held on the sidelines of a recently concluded major ICT exhibition in Doha. Organise by ictQatar, the first edition of I


Dubal wins 2 awards for innovation

Dubai Aluminium (Dubal), a major aluminium smelter, has won two category awards at the recently held Idea of the Year competition, held as part of a major international conference in Dubai. Dubal was the platinum sponsor for the sixth Idea

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