Friday 14 June 2024
Tatweer Petroleum

Tatweer launches 3 projects including solar power plant

Tatweer Petroleum on Sunday launched three major projects including a one-megawatt (MW) solar power plant.   Dr Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of Energy and chairman of Tatweer Petroleum, offic


Tatweer launches 3 projects including solar power plant

Tatweer Petroleum on Sunday launched three major projects including a one-megawatt (MW) solar power plant.   Dr Abdul Hussain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of Energy and chairman of Tatweer Petroleum, offic


Tatweer board reviews achievements

Tatweer Petroleum’s oil production achievements this year were reviewed during the company’s board of directors and management committee meetings chaired by Bahrain’s Energy Minister Dr Abdulhussain Mirza. Dr Mir


ISO certification for Tatweer drilling fluids lab

Bahrain-based Tatweer Petroleum said its drilling fluids laboratory has achieved the ISO 9001:2008 certification in recognition for quality management. Tatweer is a joint venture between National Oil and Gas Authority Holding (Nog


Tatweer Petroleum reviews key projects

Bahrain-based Tatweer Petroleum held its second annual oil and gas stakeholder meeting to update participants about its latest projects including the new pilot water and steam injection plants. The meeting, which was hosted by Tatweer chie


Tatweer launches phase 3 of major gas project

Tatweer Petroleum's third phase of gas compression in the Bahrain Field, capable of handling approximately 100 million standard cu ft per day of additional associated gas production, was launched yesterday (May 31). It was inaugurated by E


Tatweer opens central control facility

Bahrain's Energy Minister Dr Abdulhussain Mirza has opened Tatweer Petroleum's new interim central control facility, located at Jebel Office in the Bahrain field near well no 1. The opening ceremony was attended by Tatweer chief ex


Bahrain Noga reviews budget plan

Bahrain Energy Minister and National Oil and Gas Authority (Noga) chairman Dr Abdulhussain Mirza chaired a crucal meeting and also reviewed the 2012 work programme and budget and 2012 to 2017 five-year plan. The fourth development and pro


Tatweer Petroleum reviews key operations

Tatweer Petroleum's operations and plans were discussed at a key board meeting on Tuesday. Energy Minister Dr Abdulhussain Mirza chaired Tatweer's eighth board meeting which included representatives from Occidental, Mubadala and No


Tatweer meeting discusses key issues

Tatweer Petroleum Company, the ambitious new oil venture of Bahrain, discussed several organisational issues as well as the audit plan at the company's board of directors meeting. Tatweer is a joint venture between National Oil and Gas Aut

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