Thursday 13 March 2025

UAE world's top aid donor in 2017

For the fourth time during the past five years, UAE spent more on aid to help other countries than any other nation compared to its wealth, states a new report.   Data published by the Development Assistance Comm


Global growth slowing amid rising trade risks: OECD

Global economic growth remains strong but has passed its recent peak and faces escalating risks including rising trade tensions and tightening financial conditions, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook. Growth for


IsDB, OECD to support capacity building in Yemen

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have signed an aide-mémoire marking the commencement of a new project to help rebuild institutional capacitates in post-conflict Ye


Labour reforms could raise jobs rate in OECD countries

Bringing labour market policy settings in OECD countries up to those of leading countries raises the aggregate employment rate by 6.5 percentage points by 2040, mostly via higher youth and female employment, helping to promote inclusiveness, a r


Further reforms needed to boost EU growth: OECD

The current expansion of the European economy should be used to speed up implementation of reforms to the euro area architecture and EU policies that would support greater European integration and ensure stronger, more inclusive long-term growth


Global economy growing strong: OECD

The global economy is experiencing stronger growth, driven by a rebound in trade, higher investment and buoyant job creation, and supported by very accommodative monetary policy and fiscal easing, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-


Global economy growing strong: OECD

The global economy is experiencing stronger growth, driven by a rebound in trade, higher investment and buoyant job creation, and supported by very accommodative monetary policy and fiscal easing, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-


UAE joins the Inclusive Framework on BEPS

The UAE has joined the Inclusive Framework on the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) program in line with its commitment to the OECD initiative to become the 116th jurisdiction to join this framework. This announcement came a


Oil demand growth to hit 1.53 mbpd in 2018

Oil demand growth is anticipated to be around 1.53 mbpd in 2018, following a marginal upward adjustment compared to last month’s report, with global oil demand now expected to reach 98.51 mbpd, a media report said. Non-OECD


UAE world's largest aid donor for 2016: OECD

The development aid provided by the UAE in the year 2016 reached Dh15.57 billion ($4.24 billion), making it the world's largest donor of official development aid, according to data released by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and D

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