Saturday 1 June 2024
Arab Telemedia

MCC, Arab Telemedia in distribution deal

Mobile Channels Company (MCC), a leader in mobile applications development, signed a strategic partnership with Arab Telemedia Group (ATG) for the distribution of its drama series via all mobile operators in the region. Signed by Talal Awa


MCC, Arab Telemedia in distribution deal

Mobile Channels Company (MCC), a leader in mobile applications development, signed a strategic partnership with Arab Telemedia Group (ATG) for the distribution of its drama series via all mobile operators in the region. Signed by Talal Awa


Arab Telemedia in advertising drive

Arab Telemedia Productions, a leading independent TV productions company, recently signed an agreement with advertising firm AdvizeGrey, aimed at creating and implementing Arab Telemedia’s advertising and promotional campaigns. The agreeme


Arab Telemedia wins 3 awards for TV series

Jordan-based Arab Telemedia Productions (ATP), a leading independent TV production company, has won three awards for its television series at the fourteenth Arab Radio and Television Festival. The media event was held recently at Tunisia's

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