Sunday 2 June 2024

Arab League condemns Iran’s interference

Arab League Foreign Ministers have expressed grave concern over continuous Iranian interference in the internal affairs of Bahrain, attempts to sow discord and sectarian strife between citizens, as well as undermining its security, stability a


Bahrain condemns attacks on Egypt checkpoints

Bahrain has reiterated its support for Egypt, branding terrorist attacks on army checkpoints in the north of the country yesterday (April 2) as ‘despicable and cowardly.’ At least 17 soldiers and three civilians were k


Bahrain condemns terror blast that killed policeman

Bahrain's King Hamad has condemned a terror blast that killed a policeman in East Eker in the kingdom.   "The martyr of duty Mahmood Fareed is the victim of the trea


Bahrain explosion draws global condemnation

Widespread anger has erupted over the terror blast that killed three on-duty policemen in Daih on Monday, with calls to apprehend those responsible and restore order in Bahrain. His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin


Bahrain King orders crackdown on terrorists

Bahrain's His Majesty King Hamad last night directed security authorities to take tough measures and enforce the law on perpetrators of the terror blast, which left three policemen dead as they were performing their duty. The


Top US official condemns Bahrain protests

A top US State Department official has condemned violence by protesters in the ongoing clashes with security forces in Bahrain. Assistant Secretary of State for Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour Michael Posner, currently on a vi


Arab League condemns Israel attacks on Gaza

The Arab League on Sunday condemned Israeli air assaults on the Gaza Strip and said the United Nations must take action to end the attacks, in which 15 people have died. 'We issued a statement condemning the Israeli offensive on Gaza a


Obama slams Iran crackdown on protests

US president Barack Obama strongly condemned Iran's crackdown on anti-government protesters and said on Tuesday the United States was 'appalled and outraged' by recent violence in the Tehran streets. The United States would not

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