Friday 28 March 2025

New city-wide dental programme launched in Dubai

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has launched a city-wide dental and oral programme to improve oral health in Dubai, UAE, by ensuring all individuals have access to high quality dental treatments and effective prevention programmes.


Key dental forum to promote medical tourism in Bahrain

The Dentist's Lifestyle Conference and Exhibition is set to promote medical and Dental tourism in Bahrain by positioning Bahrain as the foremost destination among clients seeking cosmetic dental procedures. The Conference, now


Key dental forum to promote medical tourism in Bahrain

The Dentist's Lifestyle Conference and Exhibition is set to promote medical and Dental tourism in Bahrain by positioning Bahrain as the foremost destination among clients seeking cosmetic dental procedures. The Conference, now


DHA trains dental staff in 3D printing

The Dubai Health Authority’s (DHA) dental department is set to begin using 3D printed technology to print 3D model of teeth for producing prosthesis for its patients. The use of this technology is the beginning of the Author


Thumbay to host eye and dental camp in Dubai

Thumbay Hospital Dubai, a 150-bed ultra-modern private teaching hospital in the emirate owned and operated by Thumbay Group, is set to conduct a three-day ‘Eye & Dental Camp’ from September 17.  


Dubai dental college screens 700 workers

Dubai’s Hamdan Bin Mohammed College of Dental Medicine (HBMCDM) has conducted 14 dental screening sessions covering more than 700 workers as part of an initiative launched in May. The screenings are part of the Hamdan Bin Mo


Provia sees 47pc growth in dental cryogenic service

Provia Laboratories, a bio banking project of market research & private equity company Grace Century, has reported 47 per cent quarterly growth in enrolments for its Store-a-tooth cryogenic storage service of dental stem cells.


Stratasys unveils new dental selection 3D printer

Stratasys, a leading provider of 3D printing and additive manufacturing solutions, has unveiled the Objet260 Dental Selection 3D Printer a leading dental show in Cologne, Germany. Leveraging Stratasys' triple-jetting technolog


Juvora approved for dental crowns and bridges

Juvora Dental Disc has been approved for dental laboratories and dentists to create precise, custom-fit crowns and bridges. The extended CE approval permits its use in the European market for anterior and posterior crowns as well


3D printing to grow in Mideast’s dental sector

The dental industry in the Middle East will continue to move into digital dentistry and will wildly adopt 3D printing within the digital dental laboratories in the next five years, according to experts. Ashish Panjabi, chief opera

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