Monday 17 June 2024
east coast

Typhoon lashes China's east coast, 14 dead

A typhoon battered China's east coast on Sunday, killing 14 people and forcing the authorities to evacuate hundreds of thousands more. The 14 were killed after being washed away by flash floods or buried under collapsed houses


Hurricane Sandy heads toward US East Coast

Hurricane Sandy pulled away from the Bahamas on Saturday after killing at least 41 people in the Caribbean, beginning a slow march toward the U.S. East Coast where it threatens to hit as one of the worst storms in decades. The lat


Hurricane Irene rages towards US east coast

Hurricane Irene lashed North Carolina with driving wind and rain on Saturday as it neared land on a path threatening the densely populated US east coast with flooding and power outages. New York City ordered unprecedented evacuations and


Irene to hit cities, resorts on US east coast

The US state of North Carolina braced on Friday for a direct hit from Hurricane Irene, cities along the east coast were on alert and millions of beach goers cut short vacations to escape the powerful storm. With more than 50 million people


Once-a-century quake rattles US East Coast

A strong earthquake rattled the US East Coast on Tuesday, sending tremors as far as Canada, damaging well-known buildings in the nation's capital and sending scared office workers into the streets. There were no reports of major damage or


Earl weakens to storm; damage less than feared

Hurricane Earl, which earlier in the week was a storm of major proportions that threatened the US East Coast, weakened to a tropical storm on Friday as it swirled offshore towards Canada. Earl was delivering heavy rain and gusty winds to p


Second big snowstorm hits US East Coast

The second major snowstorm in less than a week hit the US East Coast, with predictions of 14 inches (36 cm) or more stretching from Washington, DC, to New York City, forcing the UN to close and the US Congress to curtail legislative action.


Dheeraj begins work on Culture Village projects

Leading real estate developer Dheeraj and East Coast (DEC) recently broke ground for three projects in Dubai’s Culture Village, according to a report. The total cost of the projects are estimated to be Dh615 million ($167 milli

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