Jebel Jais covered in snow.
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UAE in bid to produce snow
ABU DHABI, April 26, 2017
The UAE will launch projects to investigate ice production processes in cumulus clouds and the role of atmospheric aerosols in precipitation enhancement, according to the UAE’s National Center of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS).
“The results achieved so far demonstrate the Program’s position as a global focal point for researching and networking, and help consolidate Abu Dhabi’s and the UAE’s status as world leaders in this scientific field,” an Emirates News 24x7 report quoted a statement from the centre.
Meanwhile, Prof Giles Harrison, who specializes in Atmospheric Physics at the University of Reading, also a Second Cycle awardee associated with the UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science, will lead the research to develop a potentially ground-breaking technology revolving around the ‘electrical seeding’ of clouds, it said.
The team will examine the electrical properties of clouds through a combination of theoretical and experimental work. They will begin with modelling the growth of charged drops to raindrops – even when the clouds are not charged – to the extent that leads to thunderstorms. Secondly, they will attempt to measure and modify the charges present in clouds using balloons and aircrafts.
Jebel Jais, Al Ain Airport, Al Ain radar station, Jebel Hafeet and Al Malaiha sites have been identified as potential sites for equipment installation and ongoing atmospheric monitoring, the report said.
The collaboration also covers the project’s logistical requirements and arrangements for data sharing, it added.