Sunday 16 June 2024

Konica Minolta marks 30 years in Saudi

Riyadh, December 26, 2010

Hoshan Company Limited (HCL), Saudi Arabia's leading office technology company, recently marked the 30th anniversary of its partnership with Konica Minolta, the reputed manufacturers of multifunctional copiers.

“We are delighted to be celebrating together this common success which confirms the ability and excellence of the two companies to provide the best-in-class services and technology solutions to our customers in the Saudi market, as well as our commitment to providing products and services that comply with the highest global industry standards,” stated Rakan El Hoshan, president & CEO of Hoshan Company Limited.

“We are determined to continue to develop our operations in the Saudi market,” added Jun Haraguchi, director general manager Sales HQ Konica Minolta.

Jun Haraguchi confirmed that Hoshan and Konica Minolta share the same marketing investment strategy and wished to extend the partnership for another 30 years.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Saudi Arabia | IT | copiers | Konica Minolta | Hoshan | Office automation |

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