Wednesday 26 June 2024

WCG gears up for Diwali

Dubai, November 3, 2007

The World Gold Council (WCG) is all set to welcome Diwali shoppers at the Dubai Gold Souk.

"Now more than ever, gold jewellery is presented in the most splendid designs. So why not experiment with your looks this Diwali? The 'metal of light' with its inherent warm glow perfectly complements the spirit of 'the festival of lights'," said PR maanger at WGC Lama Al Saheb.

"Gold jewellery today brings together a joyous fusion of traditional techniques and motifs of times gone by with new patterns that push the frontiers of artistry even further," she added.

Contrasting textures and tones, multi-coloured, multi-linked and multi-layered, gold jewels today swing with movement and magic, arching out in the widest array of design dazzle for women of all tastes, she said.

One of India's most well known and widely celebrated Hindu festivals, Diwali is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning "array of lights". One of the highlights of the festival is the buying of gold ornaments, as it is believed that one's wealth will multiply endlessly if one does so.

Over the years, Diwali has come to be considered a national festival uniting people of all faiths in a spirit of joy and brotherhood. - TradeArabia News Service

Tags: World Gold Council | Jewellery | Gold Souk |

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