Sunday 2 June 2024

Dow, MEGlobal win environmental recognition

Dubai, July 21, 2010

Dow and MEGlobal, a joint venture between PIC and Dow Chemical, have won recognition as provincial leaders in environmental performance for their Fort Saskatchewan and Prentiss manufacturing sites in Canada.

The recognition has come through the Government of Alberta’s EnviroVista programme, which has honoured only 29 Alberta facilities this year, said a statement.

"I’d like to extend my congratulations to our employees at Prentiss and Fort Saskatchewan for their impressive efforts in again earning this designation,” said Ramesh Ramachandran, president and CEO of ME Global & Equiploymers.

“It’s clear that our Canadian employees and Alberta manufacturing facilities excel in the area of environmental performance and I’m thrilled to see our Alberta region receive this significant external recognition.”

The EnviroVista programme recognizes companies that exceed the expectations of the province’s environmental legislation, as well as demonstrate responsibility, stewardship and an ongoing commitment to improve environmental performance.

It is open to facilities that follow a comprehensive and publicly-accessible third-party audited environmental management system and have an Alberta Environment license approval.

Companies must also have an exemplary emissions performance and have successfully operated under the province’s Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act for at least five years.

“This is the sixth year the Fort Saskatchewan site has received the award and the fifth year for Prentiss,” said Joe Deutscher, Dow Fort Saskatchewan and Prentiss site operations director.

“It is especially meaningful in a year when the company has faced so many challenges. Being recognised as an EnviroVista Leader shows that our people have an unwavering focus on safety, and that we remain committed to minimizing any potential impact on the environment,” he added. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Dubai | Environment | Canada | Dow | MEGlobal | EnviroVista |

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