Monday 17 June 2024

Four-hour ban on outdoor work imposed

Manama, July 1, 2010

Bahrain's annual two-month ban on people working in the sun during the hottest time of the day comes into effect today.

All outdoor work will be suspended between noon and 4pm until August 31, with Labour Ministry inspectors out in force to implement the law.

'We urge people to adhere to the ban and not come out to work in the sun,' said ministry Under-Secretary Jameel Humaidan.

'Employers in the construction sector are particularly advised not to violate the ban because they will be fined and taken to the Public Prosecution.

'All companies have been instructed on the ban and told to explain to their workers in the language they understand the terms of the order,' he added.

Humaidan said the ban had already been unofficially implemented in the last few weeks with temperatures rising above 45C.

Violators risk fines of between BD50 and BD300 for each worker caught flouting the ban.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Bahrain | labour | law | summer outdoor work ban |

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