Sunday 2 June 2024

Jordan to host Global Entrepreneurship Week

Amman, November 15, 2009

Jordan will play host to leading entrepreneurs from across the globe who will be in Amman to attend the 'Global Entrepreneurship Week,' which runs from November 16 to 22.

It is being organised by Creative Commons, Endeavor Jordan, the Young Entrepreneurs Association, and the Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship (QRCE).

The event kicks off with a launch reception at Le Royal Hotel in Amman on Sunday followed by a slate of activities focusing on entrepreneurs at all stages of growth, said a QRCE official.

The launch event is designed to spotlight Jordan’s nascent culture of entrepreneurship, celebrate success stories, and “develop an action plan on how to position Jordan as the entrepreneurial hub of the region through live voting on key questions developed by international experts”.

All details about the event can be had at

“This effort falls under the organizers’ contribution to translating into reality the vision of King Abdullah for Jordan’s economic development,” said Mohamad Khawaja of the QRCE.

'Speakers include inspiring top entrepreneurs such as Joi Ito, a Japanese activist, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist; Silicon Valley luminaries Reid Hoffman, the founder and CEO of LinkedIn, and Mitchell Baker, chairwoman of Mozilla Foundation, launcher of the Firefox web-browser; and Arab business innovators including Habib Haddad and Sami Shalabi, the tech gurus behind'

From Jordan, Ghassan Nuqul from the Nuqul Group, Maher Kaddoura, from Huron Consulting Group and founder of Hikmat Road Safety, and Sabri Hakim from Talasim will be sharing their experiences with an audience that will include CEOs, high-impact entrepreneurs, business leaders, investors, entrepreneurs, innovators and team leaders, he added.-TradeArabia News Service

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