Monday 24 March 2025

Abu Dhabi council unveils heritage strategy

Abu Dhabi, March 23, 2009

The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC), the agency responsible for the future of Abu Dhabi’s urban environments, and the authority behind the visionary Plan Abu Dhabi 2030, has unveiled its Natural and Cultural Heritage Strategy (NCHS).

The NCHS is a project shaped by sensitive coastal and desert ecology concerns and is informed by principles for designating and managing protected areas.

These principles have been developed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, a global environmental network with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organisations, and nearly 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries.

The world heritage principles of Unesco have also been blended in the guidelines along with principles of sustainable development that have been developed by practitioners from across the world.

"The strategy provides overarching principles for the sustainability of the Emirate's most sensitive ecological areas and cultural assets, while providing appropriate levels of development and access for residents and visitors," said Falah Mohammed Al Ahbabi, UPC's general manager.

As one of the first initiatives to come out of the NHCS, and as part of its ongoing work to implement Plan Abu Dhabi 2030, the UPC will soon be publishing guidelines for the development of coastal areas adjacent to the city of Abu Dhabi.

The coastal development guidelines will provide direction for development in the major coastal basins extending from the Ad Dab'iyyah peninsula to the boundary with Dubai Emirate – which the UPC refers to as the Busyaeef, Inner Islands, Ras Gharab and Ras Ghanadah basins.

“In recent years, there have been many attempts to build more sustainable coastal settlements,” Al Ahbabi explained.

“UPC's staff and consultants have examined many such developments in an effort to identify the best elements, and will help developers incorporate these elements, as well as their own concepts and innovations, through the coastal development guidelines,” he added.

The UPC is promoting advanced sustainable urban planning and development with a view to build the foundations of the future generations.

Conserving Abu Dhabi's natural and cultural heritage is a cornerstone of this responsible urban planning vision, together with incorporating cutting edge sustainability and controlled development. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: UAE | Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council | Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 | Natural and cultural heritage |

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