Wednesday 19 June 2024

Aseza launches Mystery Shopper programme

Amman, August 23, 2008

The Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (Aseza) said it has signed an agreement with Optimiza Academy to launch the Mystery Shopper programme over a one-year period.

Aseza said the Mystery Shopper programme falls in line with the new initiatives of providing unmatched services to customers and to achieve the requirements of King Abdullah II award for Government excellence and transparency.

The Mystery Shopper programme was tailored in collaboration with Optimiza Academy, the training and human resources development arm of Optimiza, to suit Aseza's needs and strategic vision and will focus on monitoring the performance of Aseza's customer service/ front-line personnel.

The “mystery shopper - evaluators” will interact directly with front-line personnel by taking on the role of 'real clients”, without revealing their identity and no previous appointments. The communication will be conducted in two ways: Direct contact with the personnel and phone calls.

This project will help in assessing the personnel’s performance and service quality based on strict, modern and well-defined criteria that focuses on a number of aspects including quality, competence, response time and communication skills, all of which are taken from the clients perspective.

The whole process will help Aseza in identifying the key weaknesses and strengths, which in turn will help in designing customised training programmes to improve service provision that ensure customer satisfaction.

The implementation of this project, Aseza said, is associated with the Customer Care Development Programme’s campaign that it previously launched and executed based on the internal capabilities of employees.

Dr Taha Al-Zuboun, commissioner for administration & finance at Aseza, said: 'The Authority continues to offer the best services in order to reach the ideal competitiveness in attracting new investments. To accomplish this, Aseza seeks to cooperate with many consulting parties who are experts in many fields.

'Today, we are delighted to work with Optimiza Academy in implementing the mystery shopper programme that will help us in securing the desired satisfaction of customers which represents one of our top priorities.”

Nidal Bitar, Optimiza academy director, said: 'This collaboration further encourages us to use all our expertise and do our utmost to ensure the success of this project.' - TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Optimiza | mystery shopper | Aseza | King Abdullah II award |

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