Saturday 1 June 2024

Clegg appointed Expo 2020 COO

DUBAI, March 31, 2016

Dubai Expo 2020 has appointed Simon Clegg, a previous chief executive of the British Olympic Association and Ipswich Town Football Club, as its chief operating officer.

Clegg has held a similar position on the organising committee of the highly successful inaugural European Games in Baku, Azerbaijan last summer. There, he led a team of 2,500 full time staff, supported by 12,000 volunteers, to deliver a spectacular event in an unprecedented compressed time-frame delivering a global television footprint of 832 million households.

His experience includes managing the British Team to its most successful Olympic Games for 100 years, at Beijing in 2008, and leading the political and PR campaign to persuade the British government and Mayor of London to bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games. He was subsequently appointed a board member of the London 2012 Olympic Games bid and organising committees.

Expo 2020 director general and UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation, Reem Al-Hashimy, said: "I am delighted to have someone of Simon's calibre, leadership skills and considerable management experience of large global events join our team. His management and commercial skills will strengthen our team and help ensure the successful delivery of our 1,082-acre site. I look forward to working with him on this hugely important event for Dubai, the UAE and the entire region'.

Clegg said: "I am very excited about joining the team at Expo 2020. The vision and ambition of the project will make it a stunning experience for the expected 25 million visitors, 70 per cent of whom will come from overseas. Within each country's pavilion visitors will be able to experience the rich diversity and culture that makes up our planet as well as seeing the latest technological developments around each of our chosen themes. Dubai is already one of the world's greatest tourist destinations and its position will be further cemented through the hosting of this truly global event".   - TradeArabia News Service

Tags: COO | Clegg | expo 2020 |

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