Saturday 1 June 2024

Mobily launches Microsoft messaging service

Riyadh, June 1, 2010

Top Saudi telecom operator Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) has launched its managed hosted messaging and collaboration services, a Microsoft powered hosted environment that provides communication and collaboration solutions.

Through this secure and redundant hosted environment, Mobily will be offering services such as messaging solutions, hosted exchange, office communication server, Windows sharepoint, Web data hosting services, DNS and Web site builder, among others.

Mobily also provides up-to-the-minute anti-spam and antivirus protection to ensure uninterrupted business operation.

The services are bundled in carefully tailored and designed packages that suits different business needs and ensures to minimize the total cost of ownership of such solution, a statement said.

“Working with Microsoft guarantees the unrivaled value of the business services that we offer, and which will streamline work and save tremendous costs for businesses, the service should be viewed as an another integrative suite from Mobily, where Mobily’s advantage of binging a one-stop-shop for all of the telecom needs,” said Abdulaziz Altamami, Mobily’s chief operations officer.

He said that Mobily’s infrastructure is more than capable of hosting and running data and network servers in a safe and stable environment, on top of its incumbent broadband and corporate VPN services.

“We now offer advanced services to businesses, saving them the cost and inconvenience of having to come up with extra office space to set up their own hardware,” said Altamami.

He added that the primary benefit businesses can reap out of Mobily’s services is cost-cutting.

“Instead of bearing out the huge initial outlay for their own hardware, with all of the logistic nightmares and having to hire people to run it – not to mention keeping it running, now we offer a one-stop shop for every quality services, but without having to worry about equipment, hardware, wiring, or manpower, with minimal, if not negligible, total cost of ownership,” Altamami concluded. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Microsoft | Mobily | Riyadh | messaging | DNS |

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