Monday 3 June 2024

Cognos software boosts management excellence

Manama, December 26, 2007

Cognos, the world leader in business intelligence and performance management solutions, has unveiled new accelerators for achieving performance management excellence.

With more than 17 years of proven experience in performance management, Cognos is the only vendor to provide a single, proven software platform with key performance management capabilities including reporting and analysis, planning and forecasting, consolidation, dashboarding, and scorecarding, said an official spokesman.

Whether a large or mid-sized organisation, customers can track key metrics, see data and understand trends, and set and share a common view of the future.

“Six years ago, we articulated a vision enabling and engaging everyone in an organisation with managing performance in a systemic way. Over the next two years, we invested in building the technology platform for performance management. And most recently, we defined the ‘sweet spots’ where performance management has the highest impact and offered customers pre-built solutions,” said president for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Ad Voogt, Cognos on an official visit to the UAE.

“Our goal now is to set the market pace with a complete performance management system that enables both operational and financial performance management, underpinned with a market leading business intelligence solution,” Voogt added.

New Cognos initiatives and solutions designed to accelerate performance management include:  Integration of Applix TM1 Solutions - Having teamed industry leadership in performance analytics with their expertise in performance management, Cognos is extending leadership in the financial performance management domain with integration product roadmap milestones outlined in a related announcement.

 “With our performance management solution, we have a simple and quick environment that can handle all our needs and give us insight into various costs including operating costs per cost center and product, sales in relation to the budget, internal purchasing support, premiums paid and disbursed insurance sums,” said business intelligence co-ordinator, controller division, Folksam, George Janson.

“We've increased our reliability and reduced the time spent on operations from 66 hours to 3 hours. In the long run this means we'll save substantial time and money thanks to the Cognos solution. We’re now able to focus 85 per cent of our attention on strategic initiatives that help drive our business,” he added. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Cognos | management | Solution |

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