Sunday 2 June 2024

Online Distribution, ADC Krone join hands

Dubai, July 23, 2007

Online Distribution has announced its partnership with ADC Krone, a leader in communications network infrastructure solutions, to bring faster connection technology to businesses across the Middle East.

Today’s enterprises demand data transmission as quickly as possible. Many organisations simply shut down when employees and customers are unable to access the servers, storage systems, and networking devices that reside there. In these cases, millions of dirhams can be lost in a single hour of down time for some businesses, said Venu Menon, sales director, OnLine Distribution.

“There is a critical demand for faster, more reliable technology in the Middle East,” he said.

ADC Krone’s industry-leading portfolio of network infrastructure solutions and services ensures a smooth transition for their customers as they transform their traditional voice networks to competitive broadband, video and IP networks. ADC Krone creates the preconditions for all communication requirements to ensure fast connection technology for businesses around the world, he said.

 “Companies in the region cannot afford to lose out on valuable time and expenses with faulty servers and mediocre connection technology. ADC KRONE’s partnership with Online Distribution will fill the gap for much needed faster connection technology in this increasingly competitive market,” added Menon.

“We chose Online Distribution for their successful track record as a value added distributors in the Middle East region,” said Hubert Schanne, vice president of ADC Krone EMEA.

“The ongoing advances in technology and organisational restructuring may require new needs for faster connection technology throughout the Middle East region and ADC Krone looks forward to meeting this demand,” added Schanne. –TradeArabia News Service

Tags: OnLine Distribution | ADC Krone | connection technology |

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