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GCC projects to drive precast concrete market boom

DUBAI, September 9, 2014

Demand for precast concrete in the construction sector across the Gulf region is on the rise as more developers realise how its use can speed up completion time in major projects, said a report.

It is also forecast to be a major part of Dubai’s Expo 2020 build programme for structures that can be disassembled afterwards and relocated, according to a report by construction intelligence consultancy Ventures Onsite.

Precast concrete is becoming increasingly popular in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar, stated the report released in collaboration with the upcoming Middle East Concrete (MEC) and PMV Live exhibitions.

Co-located with The Big 5 international building and construction show, the MEC and PMV Live are the region’s most important meeting points for heavy construction machinery, plant equipment, commercial and construction vehicles, and concrete.

To be held at the Dubai World Trade Centre from November 17 to 20, these shows will bring together more than 355 exhibitors from over 32 countries with more than 20,000 international participants.

Bashar Abou Mayaleh, the managing director at Hard Precast Building Systems, a Middle East concrete exhibitor, said: “Developers are attracted to precast concrete as it can greatly reduce the duration of a project as well as the cost. It provides cost and time savings to developers and governments, as well as offering significant environmental benefits.”

In Dubai, the demand for precast concrete is poised to increase from next year as high-end architectural projects start to be constructed for Expo 2020, said the study.

Precast developers are also likely to see opportunities for temporary products, which can be disassembled after the event and transported to other locations, it added.

Qatar’s increased investment in infrastructure projects in the run-up to the World Cup 2022 has also boosted demand for precast products and helped build low-cost housing in “Labour Cities”.

While in the UAE and Qatar, precast concrete is being used to support large infrastructure projects, in Saudi Arabia it will be used to help meet government targets of 500,000 new homes, said the study by Ventures Onsite.

The usage of precast concrete will be discussed at the Middle East Concrete exhibition, in two technical seminars addressing this construction method, as well as a panel session that analyses the latest innovations in precast concrete.

“The precast concrete market offers enormous opportunities to local producers and to developers here in the region,” remarked Nathan Waugh, the event director for Middle East Concrete and PMV Live.

“We are keen to address this rising demand and offer our visitors access to high-level experts, international exhibitors and top-of-the-range products in line with their needs,” he added.-TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Qatar | UAE | Saudi | GCC | Projects | Precast concrete |

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