Abu Dhabi meet to focus on osteoporosis, diabetes
NYON, Switzerland, July 27, 2015
Osteoporosis and diabetes - two serious chronic disease - are affecting a growing proportion of the population in the Middle East, due to the ageing of the population and increasingly unhealthy lifestyles.
In response to the increase in these diseases within the region, the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), in co-operation with the Emirates Osteoporosis Society (EOS), will hold the third Middle East and Africa Osteoporosis Meeting from December 5 to 7 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
The meeting will present the latest research fro the region, as the region’s largest medical event in the musculoskeletal field.
More than 60 sessions including educational lectures and workshops will increase knowledge of the special challenges in the diagnosis and management of bone disease, including in diabetic patients.
The plenary topics will include fracture prediction and fracture healing; vitamin D during the lifecourse; who is at risk and who to treat?; treat to target; challenges with osteoporosis therapy; and new treatments, including sarcopenia.
In addition there will be 10 ‘Meet-the-Expert’ sessions, two workshops and a special session during which challenging cases can be discussed with the experts.
In the coming decades, the region will be facing the highest proportional increase in hip fracture rates in the world, with rates projected to quadruple by 2050 in some countries, said a statement.
Diabetes (type 2) will affect close to one in 10 adults in the region, with cases rising rapidly, it said.
Professor Serge Ferrari, professor of Medicine at the Service of Bone Diseases, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland and Scientific Programme Committee co-chair, said: "Diabetics are now recognised as being at increased risk of fracture, posing a challenge for doctors who treat these patients.
“Through a dedicated workshop to be held prior to the start of the meeting, we hope to raise awareness and increase knowledge of the diagnosis and management of bone disease in diabetic patients."
The workshop will address key issues including risk assessment, impact of new diabetes therapies, and osteoporosis management in diabetic patients. It will be co-chaired by prof Maha Taysir Barakat, director general of the Abu Dhabi Health Authority.
Dr Abdulrahim Al Suhaili, president of the Emirates Osteoporosis Society (EOS) and meeting co-chair, stressed: "As a disease of increasing relevance, osteoporosis is not adequately addressed during medical training in most countries.
“For this reason, I encourage all health professionals who deal with osteoporotic patients to learn the latest management techniques by joining us in Abu Dhabi." - TradeArabia News Service