Sunday 2 June 2024

Christel House graduates

Transguard offers jobs to Indian trainees

Dubai, February 4, 2014

Dubai-based Transguard Group, part of the Emirates Group, has offered full-time jobs to the second take of four Indian students from its Christel House initiative in Bangalore after completing their apprenticeships.

Transguard’s partnership with the Christel House School, which supports underprivileged children, gives talented youth a chance to forge successful careers within the company through a two-year in-house vocational training scheme.

“Through this initiative our aim is to help disadvantaged youth break the cycle of poverty and afford them an opportunity to build a career in one of the region’s most exciting industry sectors,” said Mark Povey, corporate communications director at the Transguard Group.

“We said back in 2009 that we were fully committed to this project and naturally we are extremely pleased that four more students have accepted our offer of permanent employment. They have shown real dedication and worked extremely hard over the last 24 months. Now they have a foot on the corporate ladder and we hope they go on to enjoy a long and successful professional career,” he added.

The third intake from Christel House began their apprenticeship at the end of 2013, with each apprentice being provided with a full-time salary, company accommodation and a structured training and mentoring programme as part of the two-year programme.

“I am so proud that four more Christel House graduates have been hired on permanent contracts by Transguard, making six in total so far,” said Raju Shahani, managing director of Christel House, India.

“These young men now have a bright future ahead of them – they have shown great character and are positive role models for all pupils at Christel House.”

Transguard has been involved with Christel House for the past five years, and continues to sponsor a classroom, providing some 30 children with an education until they reach 18. – TradeArabia News Service

Tags: Bangalore | Transguard | Training scheme |

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