Sunday 2 June 2024
Smart grids

ME power show to host global breakthroughs

Middle East Electricity, the world’s largest power industry trade platform, will host the global launch of breakthrough automated transmission and distribution (T&D) technology for its 2019 showing in Dubai, UAE. The eve


Smart grids 'could spur green energy growth'

Smart grids can help lay the foundations for energy and cost-saving applications and renewable energy development in the Mena region, a Booz Allen Hamilton report said. The utilities sector has historically under-invested in IT, b


Smart grids 'could spur green energy growth'

Smart grids can help lay the foundations for energy and cost-saving applications and renewable energy development in the Mena region, a Booz Allen Hamilton report said. The utilities sector has historically under-invested in IT, b


Dubai to host smart grids summit in November

Global events organiser Fleming. will organise the sixth annual Smart Grids and Smart Meters Summit in Dubai, UAE on November 1 and 2 in Dubai, UAE. The key notable features during the event to be held at the Le Meridian Congress


Experts discuss challenges in smart grids implementation

Leading technology experts from across the region will discuss the major challenges in the implementation of smart girds and smart meters in the GCC at a major conference in Dubai, UAE. The sixth edition of the annual Smart Grids

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