Thursday 20 March 2025
Sukuk listing

Abu Dhabi Exchange lists $300m sukuk for Senaat

The Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) and General Holding Corporation, Senaat, yesterday (December 9) rang the market opening bell to celebrate the listing of the first tranche of Senaat sukuk. Valued at $300 million (Dh1.1 bill


Noor Bank lists $500m sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai

Nasdaq Dubai welcomed the listing today (April 24) of a $500 million sukuk by Noor Bank, a leading Sharia’a-compliant bank in the UAE. It is Noor Bank’s second Sukuk to be hosted by the region’s international exc


IDB marks $1.25bn sukuk listing on Nasdaq Dubai

Islamic Development Bank's (IDB) VP Finance and chief financial officer Dr Zamir Iqbal rang the market-opening bell to celebrate the listing of a $1.25 billion sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai, the region's international financial exchange. &n


AUB Kuwait lists $200m sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai

Ahli United Bank (AUB) Kuwait recently held a market-opening bell to celebrate the listing of its $200 million sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai. The listing underlines Dubai’s status as the global leader for Sukuk listings, with a tota


DP World lists $1.2bn sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai

DP World, a global marine operator, has listed a $1.2 billion sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai, marking Dubai’s status as the global leader for Islamic bond listings, with a total nominal value of $44.56 billion. Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulay


DP World lists $1.2bn sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai

DP World, a global marine operator, has listed a $1.2 billion sukuk on Nasdaq Dubai, marking Dubai’s status as the global leader for Islamic bond listings, with a total nominal value of $44.56 billion. Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulay

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