Sunday 2 June 2024

CCB celebrates $600m bond listing on Nasdaq Dubai

China Construction Bank on Wednesday celebrated the listing of a $600 million bond on Nasdaq Dubai, under the bank’s $6-billion medium term note (MTN) programme, said a report. It is one of China’s most prominent banks


Dubai Trade launches ‘Customs Broker Program’

Dubai Trade, the single window to the online services of the major trade and logistics operations of DP World, Dubai Customs, and Economic Zones World, has launched the Certified Customs Broker Program (CCB) – a new professional course for


Dubai Trade launches ‘Customs Broker Program’

Dubai Trade, the single window to the online services of the major trade and logistics operations of DP World, Dubai Customs, and Economic Zones World, has launched the Certified Customs Broker Program (CCB) – a new professional course for


Sadara, CCB to help develop chemical units in Jubail park

Saudi Arabia-based Sadara Chemical Company and Chemie-Cluster Bayern (CCB), a leading business management consultant in Germany, have signed an agreement to cooperate and jointly support the development of chemical-based value chains in PlasChem

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