Saturday 22 March 2025

Silah Gulf partners with Esteqdam

Bahrain-based Silah Gulf, a leader in the Outsourcing Industry, has announced a partnership agreement with Esteqdam–National eAcommerce platform for manpower recruitment agencies in the Gulf. The partnership with Silah Gulf


Manpower management 'key to GCC contractors'

Construction companies that operate in the Middle East face a range of challenges that grow more complex every year. Low oil prices and geopolitical issues have caught them by surprise. To get through this more complex business en


ADTC, HCT launch new manpower development system

The Abu Dhabi Tawteen Council (ADTC) has partnered with the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) in Abu Dhabi to launch the first phase of a new online manpower system which will assist Emirati graduates match their skill-sets to jobs in the emir


Omanisation programme ‘could be reassessed’

Some of the Omani government's policies relating to expat labour and Omanisation may come under reassessment, a senior government official said. "The ministry is very flexible when it comes to re-examining some of the pol


DHA plans manpower increase for expansion projects

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) is taking part in the Sharjah Career Fair in an effort to increase manpower ahead of the completion of several pertinent healthcare projects. Abdulla Balouma, head of planning and recruitment secti


DHA recruits nurses for expansion projects

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has recruited as many as 531 nurses from various countries including India, Philippines and Jordan, to increase manpower ahead of the completion of several healthcare projects. Abdulla Balhouma, he


Bahrain manpower agencies to vote on strike

A vote on whether manpower agencies in Bahrain will go on strike could be taken next week.   The Bahrain Recruiters Society (BRS) is due to hold a general assembly meeting on


Bahrain recruiters 'helpless' as strike would 'ruin business'

Manpower agencies are reconsidering a proposed strike against stricter rules to regulate the recruitment field in Bahrain.   Bahrain Recruiters Society (BRS), which represents the majority of licensed recruitment


Alert over increasing teenage maids in Bahrain

Concerns that increasing numbers of foreign teenage girls are landing jobs as housemaids in Bahrain have prompted calls for tighter controls on manpower agencies.    It has emerged that two of five female do


GCC property sector facing 500,000 manpower gap

The GCC’s construction and real estate sectors are facing a combined manpower shortfall of up to 500,000 heading into 2015, a report said, adding that building and construction project management skills are most lacking among senior levels

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March 2025
