Friday 14 June 2024

Islamic State commits major massacre in Syria's Kobani

Islamic State has committed its second-biggest civilian massacre in Syria with an attack on the town of Kobani and a nearby village, killing at least 146 civilians so far, a conflict monitor said on Friday. Fighting between the Ku


UN warns of massacre if jihadists prevail in Kobani

Thousands of people most likely will be massacred if Kobani falls to Islamic State fighters, a UN envoy said on Friday, as militants fought deeper into the besieged Syrian Kurdish town in full view of Turkish tanks that have done nothing to inte


Islamic State seizes one third of Kobani

Islamic State fighters have seized more than a third of the Syrian border town of Kobani despite US-led air strikes targeting them in and around the mainly Kurdish community, a monitoring group said on Thursday. The commander of K


IS renews Kobani assault; 21 dead in Turkey

Islamic State (IS) fighters launched a renewed assault on the Syrian city of Kobani on Wednesday night, and at least 21 people were killed in riots in neighbouring Turkey where Kurds rose up against the government.  Islamic S


Syria town about to fall as IS advances: Turkey

Turkey's president said on Tuesday the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani was "about to fall" as Islamic State fighters pressed home a three-week assault that has cost a reported 400 lives and forced thousands to flee their homes.


Street fighting in Syria town as IS moves in

Street fighting raged between Kurdish defenders and Islamic State militants who advanced into Kobani on Monday after subjecting the Syrian border town to an assault lasting almost three weeks, residents and fighters said. Islamic

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