Monday 17 June 2024
Qalaa Holding

Qalaa appoints advisor to study Tanmeyah exit

Qalaa Holdings, an African leader in infrastructure and industry, has appointed CI Capital to study strategic options for the full exit of Tanmeyah for Microfinance Services, a non-core subsidiary in which Qalaa holds a 70 per cent stake.


Asec inks Ethiopia cement plant management deal

Asec Engineering and Management, a subsidiary of Egypt's Qalaa Holdings (formerly Citadel Capital), has signed a plant management agreement with Ethiopia’s National Cement Share Company. A leading cement plant Operations


Asec inks Ethiopia cement plant management deal

Asec Engineering and Management, a subsidiary of Egypt's Qalaa Holdings (formerly Citadel Capital), has signed a plant management agreement with Ethiopia’s National Cement Share Company. A leading cement plant Operations


Egypt 'has opportunity to secure energy future'

Egypt now has the opportunity to free itself from the energy problems and lay the foundation for a more secure energy future, a leading investor has said. Ahmed Heikal, chairman and founder of Qalaa Holdings (formerly Citadel Capital),


Qalaa Holding posts 67pc fall in Q3 net loss

Qalaa Holdings, one of Egypt's largest investment companies, on Sunday reported a third-quarter net loss after minority interests of EGP59.6 million ($8.34 million), a 67 per cent decline on the previous quarter. Qalaa has som

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