Friday 21 March 2025

Norwegian oil giant DNO ramps up Kurdish activity

Leading Norwegian oil and gas operator DNO continues to ramped up its activity in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, where fast track development of the Peshkabir field is expected to boost output by another 15,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) to 50,


Bondholders to take control of Kurdish oil firm Gulf Keystone

Kurdish oil producer Gulf Keystone will be taken over by its bondholders, including distressed-debt funds, after the firm proposed to swap $500 million of debt for shares, effectively wiping out its equity shareholders.  


Iraqi Kurdish oil exports to Turkey slip in March

Oil exports from Iraq's Kurdish region to Turkey slipped to an average of 327,371 barrels per day (bpd) in March, the Kurdistan Regional Government's ministry of natural resources said, due to a pipeline outage and the suspension of fl


Kurdish leader urges Turkey peace talks as 4 soldiers killed

Turkey's Kurds on Monday marked the annual spring festival of Newroz with a call for the resumption of peace talks between the government and Kurdish militants, but four Turkish soldiers were killed in another rebel attack in the restive sou


Iraqi Kurdistan paying $75m to Genel, DNO, Gulf Keystone

Iraq's Kurdistan region said it had allocated $75 million of revenue from its direct crude oil sales to three international oil companies, whose payments have been disrupted by a dispute between Erbil and Baghdad.  


Crude flow in Iraq-Turkey pipeline to resume tomorrow

Oil pumping in the Iraqi pipeline carrying Kurdish and Kirkuk oil to Turkey's Mediterranean port of Ceyhan has been halted since last Thursday, shipping agents and Turkish energy sources said.   Crude flow wa


Turkish minister does not envisage new Kurdish oil pipeline

Turkey does not envisage a new pipeline being built for Kurdish oil from Iraq until an existing pipeline between Kirkuk the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan is working at capacity, Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said.


Iraqi Kurdistan crude flow to Turkey at 650,000 bpd

Crude oil flow from Iraq's Kirkuk and Kurdish oil fields to Turkey's Mediterranean port of Ceyhan is continuing at a rate of 650,000 barrels per day (bpd), Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said.   &qu


Iraqi Kurdish forces widen buffer around oil-rich city of Kirkuk

Kurdish authorities said their forces, backed by US-led coalition airstrikes, drove Islamic State militants from an 84 sq km area in northern Iraq, widening a buffer around the oil-rich city of Kirkuk.   The Kurd


Kurds retake oil facility in North Iraq, 15 workers still missing

Kurdish peshmerga forces retook a small crude oil station near the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk which Islamic State insurgents seized earlier, but the fate of 15 employees remained unclear.   Two officials from

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