Thursday 13 June 2024

Debris in Tanzania to be checked for link to MH370

A new piece of debris found in Tanzania will be examined for a possible link to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, Malaysian state news agency Bernama cited the country's transport minister as saying on Saturday. &quo


MH370 team to study Mauritius debris

Australia said that a piece of suspected aeroplane debris found east of Africa on Mauritius will be examined to see if it is part of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which went missing two years ago in one of the world's greatest aviation myste


New debris found in South Africa possible MH370 link

Malaysia said on Tuesday it will send a team to retrieve a piece of debris found along the southern coast of South Africa to check whether it could belong to missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. The wreckage, discovered near th


Australia to test debris for missing Malaysian jet

A piece of debris found off the southeast African coast that could be from a missing Malaysia Airlines flight is being sent to Australia for testing, officials said on Thursday, two years after the plane carrying 239 people disappeared.


Debris on Malaysia's east coast not from flight MH370

Aviation officials said on Friday a metal object recovered from Malaysia's east coast a day earlier was not from missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.   It was the second time in a week authorities have dis


'Plane debris' washes up on Malaysian east coast

A metal object believed to be plane wreckage washed up on the Malaysian east coast on Wednesday, prompting speculation for the second time in a week that debris from missing Malaysian Airlines aircraft MH370 may have surfaced. &nb


Search efforts intensified as new debris washes up

France has ramped up its search off the coast of Reunion after additional debris, including a plane window and aluminium foil were found on Friday. The latest finds have not been confirmed as coming from MH370. "We have de


Malaysia confirms debris 'is part of Boeing 777'

Malaysia said on Sunday that airplane debris that washed up on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion has been identified as being from a Boeing 777, the same model as Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 which vanished early last year. "We


Malaysia 'almost certain' debris from Boeing 777

Malaysia's deputy transport minister said on Thursday that it was "almost certain" that the debris that washed up on La Reunion island in the southern Indian Ocean belongs to a Boeing 777 aircraft. Malaysia Airlines was op


Turning rubble into homes, the Dutch style

In Dutch capital Amsterdam, a mobile factory, the size of two shipping containers, ingests rubble at one end, liquifies it into cement and spurts out Lego-shaped building blocks. Call it rubble for the people, converting the deadl

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