Thursday 27 March 2025
Syria war

Syria war could spark confrontation between powers

The chance of unintentional confrontation between foreign powers involved in Syria has risen as its five-year-old conflict turns into a proxy war influenced by increasingly engaged outside powers, a European think-tank said on Wednesday.


Reminders of Syrian war on the dinner table

As Syria approaches a surreal presidential election in the midst of civil war, the capital has avoided the worst of the conflict but reminders are increasingly coming out of the water taps and appearing on the dinner table, to the dismay of Dama


Syrian war driving new wave of Lebanese emigration

In both war and peace, Lebanon has always seen many of its ambitious youth leave for better opportunities. More Lebanese live outside Lebanon than in it. But neighbouring Syria's civil war, bombs in Lebanon and an economic slo


Saudi prince rises amid Syria turmoil

Saudi Interior Minister Mohammed bin Nayef, perhaps the most powerful younger prince in the ruling al-Saud family, is shaping Riyadh's new emphasis on protecting the kingdom from a fresh wave of Islamist militancy inspired by the war in Syri


Palestinians biggest losers in Syria exodus

Palestinians Mahmoud and Ahmed fled Syria last month for Egypt, where they paid smugglers to bring them to Europe. Once at sea, they were robbed at knifepoint and herded onto an overloaded boat that sank, pitching over 100 into the sea.

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