Monday 3 June 2024
Illicit trade

Abu Dhabi summit to address $3trn illicit trade

The 'shadow' economy – from counterfeit goods to illicit financial flows, to human trafficking and drugs – which is estimated to reach over $3 trillion will be addressed at the upcoming Global Illicit Trade Summit in Abu Dhab


New GCC tobacco tax ‘could fuel illicit trade’

A 100 per cent increase in duty on tobacco products in the GCC could fuel growth in illicit trade, beyond the control of police and customs authorities, as a consequence of an overnight rise in the cost of cigarettes, says a report.


Illicit cigarette trade ‘costing Egypt $663m’

Illicit trading in cigarettes is costing the Egyptian government approximately EGP4 billion ($663 million) annually, or three per cent of the current budget deficit, said a report. More than 100 low-cost illicit brands, adhering to no loca

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