Monday 17 June 2024
Safest bank

FAB named safest bank in Middle East

First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) has been named “Safest Bank in the Middle East” for the second year running at Global Finance magazine’s Best Banks Awards. FAB was also recognised as one of the ‘World’s 50


NBAD 'safest bank' in Middle East

The National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), a leading bank in the UAE, has been ranked for the fourth consecutive year one of the “World’s 50 Safest Banks”  and the safest  bank in the Middle East by Global Finance magazin


NBK among 50 safest banks in the world

National Bank of Kuwait (NBK), for the fifth consecutive time, has been listed among the 50 safest banks in the world. NBK moved up 14 spots, to rank 33 from last year’s 47, illustrating the success of the bank’s conservative strategy, pru

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