Monday 17 June 2024
Quality control

Dubai begins quality control for building projects

The Dubai Municipality’s Central Laboratory has started a quality control and monitoring programme to ensure that various roads and building projects comply with norms. The move comes as part of the Dubai Lab’s efforts


Abu Dhabi QCC checks hoverboards quality

Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) has conducted field visits to collect random samples of hoverboards that are sold in Abu Dhabi’s markets to ensure their safety and conformity. The step articulates QCC’s


Abu Dhabi sets up electrical testing laboratory

Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) has set up an electrical testing laboratory to conduct verification and type testing of all regulated electrical household appliances marketed in the UAE. The facility will ensure tha


Abu Dhabi sets up electrical testing laboratory

Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) has set up an electrical testing laboratory to conduct verification and type testing of all regulated electrical household appliances marketed in the UAE. The facility will ensure tha


ACTS develops system for construction quality control

Beirut-based Advanced Construction and Technology Services (ACTS), a leading consulting firm, has developed an online concrete pouring and quality control system to eliminate manual data entry and reduce delays and transposition errors.


Infant formula makers ‘must test for quality’

US health officials on Monday finalized manufacturing guidelines for infant formula makers that aim to ensure products sold for babies meet certain quality controls to keep them safe. The rule, to be officially released on Tuesday


Seha wins European Award for best practices

Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (Seha) won the European Award for Best Practices 2011 in the Gold category in recognition of its achievements in customer satisfaction and quality management. The recognition attests to Seha’s commitment t


Bahrain plans lab to test textile quality

Plans were in the pipeline to establish specialised laboratories to confirm if the quality of textiles, fabrics and garments that enter Bahrain's markets are in line with GCC standards, said a senior government official. Industry and Comme

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